Tuesday 1 January 2008

Gearies Infants Disability Equality Scheme

Gearies Infants has made a positive commitment to valuing diversity. We are committed to making our school a better place to work and learn. This will be achieved will be by promoting equality of opportunity and eliminating unlawful discrimination for all our employees, all of our children and their parents/carers.

Our Equal Opportunities policy states that each member of the school community has the right to expect that they will be treated with equality in everything they do whilst in the school.

The guiding principle and values of our special needs policy is Inclusion. We aim to identify and break down possible barriers to learning. The aims of education for pupils with disabilities are the same as those for all children.

Our school aims encourage tolerance and respect for others and to work and live in harmony with other.

Gearies Infants takes its duties under the Disability Discrimination Act seriously and seeks to prevent discrimination. Similarly the school will do its best to promote equality of opportunity for disabled people. Our plans for fulfilling our duties under the Disability Equality Duty are set out within the Disability Equality Scheme.

Involvement of disabled pupils, staff and parents
In developing its Disability Equality Scheme we consulted with staff, children
and parents through staff meetings, lessons, parents meetings and governing body.

Information gathering
Gearies Infants undertakes to gather information and analyse the data so that opportunities for disabled pupils, staff and parents can be monitored. This data will particularly inform effectiveness of the scheme.

The recruitment, development and retention of disabled employees
We collate the information on all our employees to identify the number of people with disabilities and the roles they play within our school, using information from the local authority. We analyse this information and use it to identify areas for improvement and to ensure that our disabled employees are participating in training courses, performance assessments and promotion opportunities. We are also looking at reasons for leaving in case a person’s disability has been a factor.

The educational opportunities available to and achievements of disabled pupils.
Gearies Infants has identified all pupils with special educational needs on School Action Plus as maybe having a disability. In addition pupils with long- term medical conditions are regarded as being disabled.

We are analysing our performance data for all of these pupils , and further analysing it to take account of their different disabilities, to help us understand their opportunities and achievements as well as identify any barriers they may face that we could try and overcome.

We will request data from our preschool provision to ensure that the impact of individual disabilities experienced by new pupils is taken into account from the start of their school careers. Similarly we will ensure that information is passed onto the Junior school to ensure successful transition.

Reviewing the scheme
The Senco will hold responsibility for ensuring data on our disabled pupils informs planning at all times. A key factor in reviewing the effectiveness of all the school’s development plans will be evaluating the impact on our pupils with disabilities. The headteacher will report annually to the Governing Body on the extent to which the school’s policies have reduced the impact of a pupil’s disability on their ability to access school activities.

The head teacher will report to the Governing Body on the professional development opportunities taken up by staff with disabilities.

We will monitor involvement in school activities, for example, parents evenings, of parents who themselves have disabilities.

We will assess the impact of the school’s policies and practices on disability equality and where improvements can be made.

The Disability Equality Scheme
We will promote equality of opportunity for disabled staff, pupils and parents by:
o collecting and analysing data so we can understand and address potential barriers
o using this data to establish priorities within our Inclusion Plan
o working proactively to incorporate adjustments for disabled pupils, staff and parents into policy and whole school practices
o ensuring increasing access to the school’s curriculum, the physical environment and to written information through the Accessibility Plan. The Disability Equality Scheme will be reviewed simultaneously with the Accessibility Plan from 2010 to ensure the principles of disability equality are fulfilled.

We will eliminate discrimination that is unlawful under the Disability Discrimination Act by:
o raising awareness of disability issues, providing training on relevant adjustments and encouraging sharing of good practice
o reviewing and adjusting the school’s policy and practice
o raising expectations amongst all those working with disabled pupils, staff and parents.

We will eliminate harassment of disabled staff, pupils and parents that is related to their disability by:
o raising awareness amongst staff and pupils of disability-related harassment
o raise awareness of the importance of reporting possible bullying, however apparently mild it may seem to people without a disability
o involving pupils themselves in combating bullying

We will promote positive attitudes towards disabled staff, pupils and parents:
o through assemblies and the PHSE curriculum
o through staff meetings
o at parents’ evenings
o displaying positive images of disabled people throughout the school

We will encourage participation by disabled staff, pupils and parents in school life by:
o proactively seeking representation of disabled pupils, staff and parents on the school council and any of its committees
o supporting disabled people who are involved in offering feedback to disabled pupils, staff and parents so they feel more confident in putting themselves forward for future participation
o including a feature about involvement of disabled people in the school’s prospectus and newsletters
o and take steps to meet disabled people’s needs, even if this requires more favourable treatment.

Implementation of the Disability Equality Scheme:
Overall responsibility for the scheme will rest with the Governing Body. The curriculum committee will consider progress of the scheme and report on an annual basis to the Governing Body.

The governors will ensure that current and future policies and plans are reviewed to ensure that they fulfil the six principles of the Disability Equality Duty to:
· promote equality of opportunity for disabled staff, pupils and parents
· eliminate discrimination that is unlawful under the Disability Discrimination Act
· eliminate harassment of disabled staff, pupils and parents that is related to their disability
· promote positive attitudes towards disabled staff, pupils and parents
· encourage participation by disabled staff, pupils and parents in school life
· take steps to meet disabled people’s needs, even if this requires more favourable treatment.

The headteacher, together with senior members of staff, will take responsibility for ensuring that relevant aspects of the scheme are incorporated into the school’s policies and development plans and acted on. They will take steps to meet the needs of disabled staff, pupils and parents, even if this requires more favourable treatment.

In reviewing policies and development plan the school will consider whether
· there is any evidence to show higher or lower take up or participation by different groups
· there is any evidence that different groups have different needs, experiences, issues and priorities in relation to the particular policy
· there are opportunities to promote equality of opportunity or good relations by altering the policy and will have consultations with relevant groups, organisations or individuals where particular policies or functions create problems that are specific to them.

Publication and review
The vision statement at the beginning of the Disability Equality Scheme and Action Plan is published in the school’s prospectus. A full version is available in school and people wanting a paper copy may obtain one by asking the school’s office. Requests may also be made for alternative formats.

The Disability Equality Scheme will be reviewed in 2010 at the same time as the school’s Accessibility Plan which sets out how the school intends to:
· increase the extent to which disabled pupils can participate in the school curriculum
· improve the physical environment of schools to increase the extent to which disabled pupils can take advantage of education and associated services
· improve the delivery to disabled pupils of written information which is provided to pupils who are not disabled.

A Consultation Forum will be involved in the review of both documents and will advise on wider involvement of disabled people in the preparation of the 2010-2013 Disability Equality Scheme and Accessibility Plan.

Action plan

The governors will ensure that current and future policies and plans are reviewed to ensure that they fulfil the six principles of the Disability Equality Duty to: